Playlists from my yoga classes, chanting, and more!
Playlists from My Yoga Classes
I have discovered a love of creating playlists for the studio classes that I teach! I carefully take each theme into consideration to evoke the bhavana (feeling) that will help carry out the right emotion to fulfill the intention of our practice.
Come to class to enjoy their debut or use them as a playlist for your personal practice.
Read below for a description of some of my favorite (and the favorites of students) playlists and which doshas they will reduce! Click on the album art on the left to listen to the music through Spotify's site.
You can also find all of my yoga playlists on my Spotify account. Link below to follow me.
Follow Me on Spotify!
Chill Summer
Cool down your practice with this chill summer mix. Native American flute music, soothing water sounds, lo-fi beats, and hand pan melodies help to beat the summer heat.
Dosha(s): Pitta
A slow, beautiful playlist for those who want to dedicate their practice to the concept of prayer, or intention. Bhakti yogis, this one's for you.
Dosha(s): Vata, Pitta, Kapha
Release Fear
The perfect pairing to a fear releasing practice. A lot of slow, steady beats to encourage the release of stagnant emotions which no longer serve us. Great for vata imbalances (high anxiety)!
Dosha(s): Vata, Pitta, Kapha
Heart Opener #2
One of my favorites, for sure. An awesome, uplifting track list that will bestow a calm joy and hope in your heart. Lovely to pair with a heart opening practice with lots of backbends.
Dosha(s): Kapha, Pitta
Cool It Down
A really good playlist to cool it down on a Sunday morning, or any time you need to reduce the intensity and reconnect with yourself. A nice mix of soulful, slow songs that will stir the heart.
Dosha(s): Pitta
Agni Activation
This playlist is the perfect accompaniment to activate your agni, or your digestive fire! Expect a fast-paced, fun playlist that will make you want to dance. Pair it with a vinyasa flow or any challenging practice!
Dosha(s): Kapha
For Healing
A yoga playlist for anyone suffering from an injury, whether it's physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual. If you feel heartbroken, this is the one for you.
Dosha(s): Vata, Pitta, Kapha
Ground deep down into the earth, and the Self! Reconnect to that quiet place within yourself. Enjoy a serene, calming playlist to pair with a slow, steady flow any time of day.
Dosha(s): Vata
Summer Sweet Beginners
Originally made for my former Sweet Beginners class during the summer season. A great playlist for a relaxing, grounding summer practice. Lovely for the intense perfectionist or hot-tempered yogi who needs a cool down.
Dosha(s): Pitta, Vata
Autumn Sweet Beginners
Originally made for my former Sweet Beginners class during the fall season. A perfect playlist for the Vata season that will ground you well. Pair with a forward-fold-heavy practice, especially at sunrise.
Dosha(s): Vata
Winter Sweet Beginners
Originally made for my former Sweet Beginners class during the winter season. A perfect playlist for a slower winter yoga flow. Ideal for a calm, quiet morning or evening wind-down.
Dosha(s): Vata, Pitta
Hatha Yoga Studio Class | Theme: Joy
This was a class I taught with a theme of "Joy". I used inversions to cultivate that emotion. Peak pose was Sirsasana (Headstand).
Hatha Yoga Studio Class | Theme: Creating Space
This was a class I taught with a theme of "Creating Space (For the Things We Want)". We focused on lateral poses. Peak pose was Vasisthasana (Side Plank).
Hatha Yoga Studio Class | Theme: Heart Opener
This was a class I taught with a theme of "Opening the Heart (Being Receptive to Love)". We focused on backbends/chest openers. Peak pose was Ustrasana (Camel).
Hatha Yoga Studio Class | Theme: Cultivating Peace
This was a class I taught with a theme of "Peace". I asked my students to come into many forward folds to activate the parasympathetic nervous system and to instill a sense of calm. Peak pose was Prasarita Padottanasana (Wide-Legged Standing Forward Fold).
Hatha Yoga Studio Class | Theme: Removing Obstacles
This was a class I taught with a theme of "Removing That Which No Longer Serves". We focused on our center, coming into many twists, to channel courage to overcome. Peak pose was Parivrtta Ashtachandrasana (Revolved High Lunge Pose).